Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Character Design: Story Board 9-12

I should have talked about the medium that I've used for the storyboard. Basically, it's purely pencils(as you can tell of course) and I was actually testing myself how much rendering that I could do with pencil and I guess many things still need to be improved. Well, this is the end of the storyboard and I hope you guys like the story!

Character Design: Story Board 5-8

Frame 5-8, I guess it'd be better for viewers to figure out what is happening in the story board, if the viewers think it makes a good sense, then it means the story board has done a great job.

Character Design: Story Board 1-4

The first 4 frames (reads from top left-right-bottom left-bottom right) of the storyboards and as you can see, Aero encounters an imaginative friend Rowi (a giant kiwi robot) which she gives a very surprised look.

Character Design: Aero

This is a character design I've done in year 3 Graphic Design at AUT. The project was to create a character and make 12 frames of storyboard to portray the personality of the character. Her name is Aero, who is very out going and energetic and lives in the farm along the coast line in New Zealand. One day, she meets an imaginative friend while she went out for a walk and she is about to explore her exciting adventure!